特選會員現凡消費滿 HKD 368.00,即享全單 HKD 40.00 減免優惠!

Nuby竹纖維兒童餐盤碗水杯匙羹叉五件套裝 幼稚園耐摔餐具





Nuby竹纖維餐具套裝組非常的耐用和環保,可生物分解,對環境友善。 有趣且實用的設計,非常適合剛開始自己學習進食的寶寶。 由天然的竹子和玉米澱粉製成,不含雙酚A。 專為寶寶需求所設計,無論寶寶喜歡用左手或右手,都能夠輕鬆抓握。 ❤️採用安全材質,竹纖維、玉米澱粉、樹脂材質,媽媽放心。 ❤️創意卡通圖案,寶寶更有食慾。 ❤️五件套組合,滿足寶寶日常所需。 This recyclable bamboo-cornstarch bowl from Nûby™ is designed to be durable and practical while being friendly to the environment. Engineered to be fun and functional, this bowl is perfect for toddlers and convenient for parents. It features fun characters and designs that your child will love. Made from natural bamboo and cornstarch, it is 70% biodegradable and BPA free. Suitable Ages: 12+ months Includes: Plate, bowl, cup, spoon and fork Made from natural bamboo and cornstarch Sized just right for toddler Dishwasher safe 100% recyclable 70% biodegradable BPA Free
